
Macys — posted: October 3, 2005 11:56 PM

I was one of the lucky few in New York to snap up one of Canon's new 5D, full-frame digital SLRs on Friday. B&H had a few in stock, and I happened to be there at 9:00 AM.

Below are some thoughts, impressions.

The 5D's body will be immediately familiar to anyone who has used a recent Canon digital SLR. I have given up trying to figure out which body the 5D is based on; someone else will certainly make a positive ID, but the body is pretty close to a 1V without the power booster. Regardless, it is nicely shaped. It seems slightly larger and heavier than a 10D / 20D but feels comfortable in my hands, partially because there is more room for my fingers between the grip and lens.

Unlike the 1V, however, the 5D inherited the 20D's combined power / control dial and joystick nubbin. The power switch has three positions: off, on, and control dial on. More than once, I have only clicked it to the first position, only to wonder why I can't shift the EV. I assume I'll get used to the switch, but I always want the control dial on. I'm not sure why someone who bought this camera would ever want it turned off. Speaking of the control dial, it could be somewhat bigger; maybe 25%. The 5D's control dial is certainly usable, but a larger dial would be easier to hit. The other (odd) addition to the back of the camera is a "direct print" button. Another thing I don't understand. Who buys a $3500 body and wants to direct print?

Moving up from the control dial, the viewfinder is, indeed larger and brighter than the 10D / 20D. All the things you would expect to be visible are, with the notable addition of remaining buffer space; a nice touch. It would be nice to see the ISO sensitivity in the viewfinder, too. This is one of those things I consistently forget to check. The control dial on top of the 5D is mercifully without the "scene" modes like "night portrait" and "sports." The mode dial has a bulb setting (puzzling) but the camera lacks an easily-accessible shutter lock-up setting. Shutter lock-up, though, could be programmed as a "camera user" setting and quickly selected with the "C" mode. Not too difficult.

The 5D uses Canon's "soft touch" shutter release. There is no tactile click when an half-press engages the autofocus. I know that all of Canon's newer bodies use a soft touch release, but I'm not so sure I like it. The mechanical click of the older release gave important feedback.

This is all I noticed about the body and controls. Overall a very comfortable body to use.

Shooting performance, by any standard, is quite good. Rumors of the camera's poor speed have been greatly exaggerated. When Canon announced the 5D, people looked at the 3 frames per second speed and the shutter lag numbers. Soon the DPreview forums were buzzing with claims of a crippled camera. My limited experience with the 5D shows that it is fast and responsive. The shutter responds crisply with little difference in lag between exposures made in AV mode with autofocus active versus manual mode with autofocus off. The RAW buffer holds 17 RAW or 60 JPEG images and clears very quickly. With a 4 gig 80x Lexar CF card, the buffer didn't come close to filling in normal use. The 5D could only be considered slow when compared to a 1Ds mk II, but one would expect an $8000 to be faster.

Like all other Canon DSLR bodies, the 5D will clash a review of each frame on the rear LCD immediately after capture, including a histogram. The 5D, though, can display an RGB histogram, previously available only on the 1Ds. I'm hooked on getting the immediate feedback of the histogram; I'm really happy to finally have an RGB histogram available. Speaking of the rear LCD, the 2.5" screen feels positively luxurious as compared to my old 1.8" display with half the resolution of that on the 5D. Also previously available only on the 1Ds, the 5D's ISO sensitivity can be changed in 1/3 stop increments. I'm not sure why I like this feature as much as I do, but I was positively giddy shooting at ISO 160 this weekend.

Picture quality is excellent, as expected. After shooting for a while with an APS-C sized sensor, the 50mm 1.4 felt strangely wide. In addition to the sensation of all my lenses getting noticeably wider, I'm very impressed with the huge amount of additional information in the images. Moving from 6 to 12.8 million pixels is a big jump. It is a pleasure to zoom around the 14 megabyte photos at 100% magnification. The "grain" is very fine, hardly noticeably below ISO 800. Resolution is huge and very, very impressive.

The DSLR dirty little secret, however, is the low-pass filter. Because of the peculiarities of image sensor arrays, most digital cameras use a low-pass or anti-alias filter to avoid creating moire patterns when capturing certain kinds of patterns. [Sigma's SD10 and Leica's digital back are notable exceptions] The low-pass filter, unfortunately, adds blur to the captured image. The 5D is no different. A certain amount of sharpness is lost to the low-pass filter. I wish Canon would follow Leica's lead and do the moire removal in software. Most digital cameras do some amount of in-camera sharpening to compensate for the low-pass filtering. It took me some time to figure out how to disable this in the 5D. It seems that sharpening is now part of the "picture style" setting; the "neutral" picture style applies no in-camera sharpening. Sharpening necessarily involves some loss of picture quality. I'd rather be in control of degrading my images' quality, thank you very much.

Two final things: thank you Canon for fixing auto white balance (it kind of almost works), and thanks for using the same batteries.



Yep -- I agree with everything ... I'm just coming back home off the road and will be out with the 5D again tomorrow and all weekend (and trying to shoot with my view camera, too!) ...I like the feel of the shutter -- AND -- mine is really quiet -- and I mean quiet... What's interesting is I've heard varying stories in this department -- some say, yes, it's quieter than the 20D -- but not really quiet (your comment to me) --- and other say it's WHISPER quiet -- almost like a Leica M7 -- I think that's not too realistic -- My M's are very quiet -- and the 5D is like a cap gun in comparison ... I'd describe the sound more like a SMOOTH action -- not an abrubt sound like the 20D ...

I shoot everything -- and I mean everything in RAW -- so sharpening in-camera makes no difference -- I control the sharpening while converting --- I thought you did the same - maybe not...

I LOVE shooting at 160! Thats' what I did all day when I got it -- mainly because I'm hooked on Fuji Pro 160 film -- great stuff...

Nice review -- I think this is the camera that will set the bar for a LONG time to come! ...

Oh - and great pic :-)

Posted by: bobat October 6, 2005 09:56 PM

The 5D's shutter doesn't have the same metallic CLACK of the 20D, so it is certainly less obtrusive.

I don't know how someone could confuse it with an M7, though. That is another class of quiet.

Posted by: bitpuddle[TypeKey Profile Page]at October 6, 2005 10:52 PM

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